If you have ten people who ask what they think pull-ups, it's a safe bet that nine out of ten will tell you that they hate it! It 'a shame that such a great exercise has a bad reputation!
The pull-up is actually the best exercise for upper back, for several reasons:
1 Safety
The enthusiasm gym in 1970 from a long fire has started using free weights, Nautilus machines and build on the strengths and other sports equipment will be put in shape. While theAttention to physical fitness was good to be promoted were not the best methods of operation.
He can lift weights good for the body, if well made, but many people do not need weights in their training program, and add a level of unnecessary risk. Accidents are common in the weight room, but these are not the biggest risk, I mean. The main risk is to use the weight is too heavy for you, or are of poor form, which stress on joints and connective tissues.That's why so many end weights hard and hardly able to participate in sports and daily activities.
The pull-up, however, uses its own weight and nothing more, and it's easy with the right form. This keeps your joints healthy and safe during the construction of incredible strength in the muscles.
2 Effectiveness and efficiency
The classic pull-up exercise works almost all the muscles of the shoulders, arms and upper back with incredible efficiency andEfficiency. If done correctly, this is the only exercise you need to build strength in your biceps and upper back, and it is amazing addition to the primary should train.
While it is best if you have to work a quality pull up bar, do not even need. Here you can find a place to do pull-ups as good as anywhere, making it easier and faster to your problems behind, as it does not matter where you are, and how long you have to lose. No need to carve the head of theTime for a trip to the gym.
3 Equal Opportunities
The pull-up can and should be mastered by anyone. Even if you have bad memories of gym class trying to pullups, you can not stop them! The reason why many people give up pull-ups is that they never taught a progression of exercises, from where you start - no matter what the current state of strength - and build it up to be able to provide a full refund pull up. This development is,and everyone can master.
Type pull-up the possibility - no other form of exercise of power and flexibility of the upper back is almost as good, or to develop the safest. Put them in your exercise routine - starting slowly at first - and you'll be amazed how quickly you see the benefits of surprise.